Posted in The Thursday Post

The thursday post 2.8.12

Ambition and goal- they have become “must” traits for human nature these days. They are good, but are they as necessary as majority of people try to prove them?

Why will everyone have an ambition or goal? Why won’t there be content people? People who will work through the day and relish every minute, and at the end of the day lie down on the bed with a peaceful heart.

I belong to this category. Mysteriously I am happier than most of the people that throng around me lately, people who are ready to trade everything for handful of cash or a little bigger deal.

They often try to tell me I am a loser, whereas I believe deep down in our hearts we both know they are lost, absolutely lost.


A bookworm transformed into an addicted writer. I love to write and illustrate them myself. By love I mean love, no half-hearted relationship, a full-fledged, passionate love, I can’t pass two days in a stretch without writing/painting (cyber), just feel empty like lovers do when their lovers are away on a tour! Even though I am thoroughly enjoying self-publishing with amazon, but if you like my work and want to publish my works in your magazine, books or better if you want to publish a book of my works please make me very happy by contacting me. Or if you want to sell my works on commission basis only!! contact me, I will be quite relieved. Honestly writing and selling your own work is a very BORING combination. So you are more than welcome! Mail me, or go to- my blog (I have 16 blogs in wordpress, all active, some on daily basis, every one on weekly basis screaming and vowing my LOVE for writing and painting- this one is first-born, so special) (You will get the link to my remaining blogs there) or you can check out my ezines- monthly- And if you want fb you can go to my page, linkedin- my email id and I am in goodreads and completelynovel too I guess I said enough about myself, right? You will forget if I stuff too much here, so if you are curious to know this humble creature just join me in my blogs :)

14 thoughts on “The thursday post 2.8.12

  1. There are two aspects that came to my mind as I read through your post :

    1) Work – what kind ? Helping oneself is work, so is helping others …

    2) Peace – Satisfaction is peace of the moment…
    Liberation is peace even while we are breathing our last …

    The canvas and dimensions are so vast that, it seems to me, our conclusions always end up being so many exercises frozen too soon !

      1. You’ve been to my blog, Sharmistha @ ! Maybe thare is a way to bookmark.

        I’ve just followed your blog. Even though I ever remember you and your blog. Cheers !

      2. actually i visit so many blogs every day guided by their URLs added to their gravatar or comment that i feel lost when i dont find them there. sorry. yes i have been to your blog. you know, if you dont want to add your URL with your gravatar then you can add it manually at the end of your comment.

  2. You are absolutely right. Every one has to pretend to have a goal or ambition to prove that they have value to the society. Or often the question is asked in this way: What is your plan for future? I wish you happy all the time :)!

  3. I like this very much! I am doing what I enjoy, and content to take one day at a time, while I am exhorted by various others to do this, that, the other. Enough! Let us be human beings again…thank you 🙂

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